I have the wonderful opportunity to teach two yoga
classes at work on Monday as a part of our Employee Health and Wellness
Fair. I think having a Wellness Fair is
a great program for an employer to run.
There is a trend, at least according to the HR thought leaders that I
follow, of employers focusing on wellness for their employees.
Work is stressful.
Any work, any level. If it were
not stressful, it would be called “vacation.” Employers and employees alike know this.
Work is a fact of life. We all need to find a method to deal with that relentless stress so we
don’t go climbing clock towers or let other areas of our lives be ruined.
For me, this method has been through cultivating a yogic
practice. Not just asana, although that
helps incredibly because I sit behind a desk all day, but meditation, chanting,
breath control, and the discipline of practice itself helps me to get through
the day.
I don’t think anyone would accuse me of handling stress
well. But I think back to when I was in
sales or working in kitchens for 12+ hrs. a day. I handled stress by smoking a lot of
cigarettes and drinking a lot of booze. I ate like crap. I did nothing to prevent or treat back, knee,
elbow, and hand pain. I was a physical
and emotional wreck a lot of the time.
Over the last 8+ years, I have systematically worked to
bring my body and mind back to some sort of human level baseline. It is a work in progress. This practice has not cured me of all my
ailments (physical and mental) but it certainly has helped. I am in better physical shape and have more
sense of purpose than I did 8 years ago.
I have grown further in my career in these last 8 years than in the same
time prior. Of course this causes me to
take on more stress, so I continue to practice.
My practice has changed over the years. What I teach may not be completely
appropriate for everyone, but my hope is that some part of it plants a
seed. The movement, the stories, sitting
still, saying OM—hopefully something in there resonates with my students so
that they can find a path that works for them.
This is all based on my direct experience. Not something I read in a book, not something
someone told me. I have seen growth
first-hand and think that I am in a much better place because of this practice.
There is a lot of work left. But every OM gets me a little bit closer. I
may not be all peacelovehappiness yet, but at least I can get out of bed in the
My boss’ boss is a Churchill fan. He frequently quotes “Keep calm and carry on.” Saw this on Dharma Yoga’s page not so long
ago and it seemed fitting. Although I would personally alter it to “Keep Calm and Carry रमा .”
Be well.